dinsdag 31 juli 2007

i haven't updated my blog for a long long time. I have so much news that the task is almost daunting. soon, ik belooft.

In the meantime, last week we went to Hamburg in Germany to see a little australian musician called Darren Hanlon. Venue was tiny and echt gezellig (very cosy). German highways make long drives a little less dull:

There is no speed limit and apparently no need to use indicators. We were in the slow lane at 140 km/h. People passed us at around 180km/h...zoom! This sign frequently provided amusement, atleast for me. It's the exit sign:

Then to the concert, supported by a lovely australian female singer, piccolet (i think):

And then Darren. We spoke after the gig and he signed the set list for me :)

woensdag 11 juli 2007

Antwerpen. 2007.