woensdag 30 mei 2007
vrijdag 25 mei 2007
woensdag 23 mei 2007
maandag 21 mei 2007
sunday we drove to amsterdam. it's only about one an a half hours away. we walked around the city amongst old leaning buildings and through narrow cobblestone streets. The place was packed with tourists, although being a sunday i imagine it was not as busy as usual. we walked through the red light district, feeling instrusive and awkward looking at the girls through swarms of peering asian tourists. I noticed the change in shift between the older fatter women during the day to the young slim women at night. We went to foam, the fotografie museum which was pretty nice. it seems the new trend of printing is on aluminium, not sure whether it is a process straight onto it or if it is simply mounted on there.
i think i'll give lovely amsterdam another visit very soon but for a bit longer.
i think i'll give lovely amsterdam another visit very soon but for a bit longer.
zaterdag 19 mei 2007

baking tomatoes and rooftops as the sun sets. a sunny day where we cycled into the city and drank from plastic straws iced coffee. in a square watching people lethargically wasting their saturday. we spent the afternoon in second hand stores buying typewriters and love heart tea cups, slide projectors and old toy cameras. why oh why am i so attracted to junk? we drank beer from white bottles with pink elephants on the label, then to a rainy party where family were friendly and birthday pie in abundance. tomorrow driving to amsterdam.
woensdag 16 mei 2007
shopping trollies are 50cents.
frietjes speciaal is hot chips with chopped raw onion, mayonaise and dutch curry sold at snack bars.
smoking is still allowed in bars, train stations and shopping centres.
coffee shops aren't specifically for coffee.
there's a bar on every corner and a church on every street.
it's been raining for a week and the breaks on my bike squeek.
every tuesday there is a market in the city and every thursday a fresh produce market on zeelsterstraat.
i bought three meters of fabric and made a new dress on tuesday.
on wednesday it was sunny and i cycled to the supermarket at 7pm and bought some vegetable and dutch cookies.
the dutch like apfelstrudel.
frietjes speciaal is hot chips with chopped raw onion, mayonaise and dutch curry sold at snack bars.
smoking is still allowed in bars, train stations and shopping centres.
coffee shops aren't specifically for coffee.
there's a bar on every corner and a church on every street.
it's been raining for a week and the breaks on my bike squeek.
every tuesday there is a market in the city and every thursday a fresh produce market on zeelsterstraat.
i bought three meters of fabric and made a new dress on tuesday.
on wednesday it was sunny and i cycled to the supermarket at 7pm and bought some vegetable and dutch cookies.
the dutch like apfelstrudel.
maandag 14 mei 2007
woensdag 9 mei 2007
Last night we went to Utrecht in wouter's new shiny car. I had my first taste of dutch traffic jam, although a small one. There are so many people here with so many cars that traffic jams can often reach from one end of the country to the other! We met with Jona and Daan at Cafe Belgie for some dinner and beers. There was about 100 different types of beers to choose from! I had a Flierfluiter and zee...something. Later on we saw Tom Mcrae, which was really awesome.
Today i've been busy with my new chinese ink set. Later on i'll do some writing. I'm starting to think about projects and showing work somewhere.
Today i've been busy with my new chinese ink set. Later on i'll do some writing. I'm starting to think about projects and showing work somewhere.
zondag 6 mei 2007
this weekend i met wouter's parents. they live in a village about an hour away from eindhoven called oirsbeek. they are really nice people, they are divorced and both have partners so it was like meeting two sets of parents. We went to a windmill on the top of a hill where they were making flour. We were able to go upstairs and watch the grain fall between the grinding stones. We bought some speltflour and then made cookies with it in the afternoon. They were really nice. Last night we went to sittard and met alex and thijs and went for a beer and then back to thijs' place to play some poker.
today is wieke's birthday and we are eating pie :)
today is wieke's birthday and we are eating pie :)
woensdag 2 mei 2007
dinsdag 1 mei 2007
yesterday was queens day, a public holiday. on sunday night, queens night the whole of the netherlands is in party mode and coated in orange. Wouter and i went to Utrecht, about an hour on the train. At night the streets are lined with flea markets and games few can win. Wouter tried one where you try to eat three maria cookies in one minute. looks pretty easy but apparently qutie dry hehe. There were people everywhere and it was pretty tricky getting into bars. Utrecht is so picturesque with the canals and old buildings and pavement streets. It's a bit tricky when we're with a group because everyone is speaking dutch so most of the time i have no idea what people are talking about. Although it's cool to watch people's manerisms and such. They have qutie some nice beers here, i tried a cherry beer which sounds gross but is really good. The building we are living in is a student house with about 20 rooms and they buy bulk beer when it is on sale so it ends up being about 25 cents each, and then you can recycle the bottles for 10 cents each, so cheap!
I have been cycling heaps, it's so much fun. Until today i have been cylcing with wouter who knows his way around but today he is working at little mountain so i hope i dont get lost! the streets are not really planned out like halifax or sydney, and a lot of the buildings look very similar. On the weekend we painted our bikes. Becuase bikes get stolen a lot here, painting them makes them a little less appealing. I painted the body of mine a light blue colour and wouter painted his body bright red and then we'll switch colours for the guards over the wheels. We also got some glitter paint to go on top :)
This afternoon i am going to visit the van abbe, which is the museum of modern art here in eindhoven. My printed matter teacher from NSCAD lent then some a piece of art recently so i'm going to drop his name and see if i can get some work there.
This weekend we're going to Limburg, where wouter's parents live, to meet them.
I have been cycling heaps, it's so much fun. Until today i have been cylcing with wouter who knows his way around but today he is working at little mountain so i hope i dont get lost! the streets are not really planned out like halifax or sydney, and a lot of the buildings look very similar. On the weekend we painted our bikes. Becuase bikes get stolen a lot here, painting them makes them a little less appealing. I painted the body of mine a light blue colour and wouter painted his body bright red and then we'll switch colours for the guards over the wheels. We also got some glitter paint to go on top :)
This afternoon i am going to visit the van abbe, which is the museum of modern art here in eindhoven. My printed matter teacher from NSCAD lent then some a piece of art recently so i'm going to drop his name and see if i can get some work there.
This weekend we're going to Limburg, where wouter's parents live, to meet them.
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